December Services
Sunday 1st (Advent)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Holy Communion
(Common Worship)
Sunday 8th (2nd in Advent)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship
Sunday 15th (3rd in Advent)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Nativity Service
Sunday 22nd (4th in Advent)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)
4pm Carols by Candlelight
Tuesday 24th (Christmas Eve)
4pm Christingle
11pm Holy Communion
Wednesday 25th (Christmas Day)
9am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Family Carols
Sunday 29th (1st after Christmas)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship
Refreshments are served
in the hall following the 10am services
Please join us!
"The kingdom of God is near.
Repent and believe the good news!"
(Mark 1 :15)
MOTTO TEXT for 2024
We continue to pray for Ukraine
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