St Marks Church, Little Common, Bexhill On Sea

  • Green Lane
  • Little Common
  • Bexhill on Sea
  • East Sussex
  • TN39 4BZ

01424 848453
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            JULY Services           

Sunday 7th  (Sixth after Trinity)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Holy Communion - (Common Worship)

Sunday 14th (Sea Sunday)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Parade Service

Sunday 21st  (Eighth after Trinity)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)

            Sunday 28th  (Ninth after Trinity)           
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)

8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)


Sunday 4th  (Tenth after Trinity)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Holy Communion - (Common Worship)

Sunday 11th (Eleventh after Trinity)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)

Sunday 18th   (Twelfth after Trinity)
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)

            Sunday 25th  (Thirteenth after Trinity)           
8am Holy Communion (Prayer Book)
10am Morning Worship (Common Worship)

(Mark 1 :15)
"The kingdom of God is near.
Repent and believe the good news!"

MOTTO TEXT for 2024

We continue to pray for Ukraine


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